✅ TCP is Connection Oriented while UDP is connection less.

✅ Udp small header size.(8 bytes) where in TCP is 20 bytes. So udp is faster.
✅ Both has Error detection.

Udp has No Error recovery. so in most cases of UDP, the packet is just
discarded. While TCP has a error recovery mechanism.

✅ Packets may arrive or out of order in UDP.
✅ No congestion control in UDP. Congestion control is handled in TCP when
ever network is congested the the transmission is delayed.
✅ No acks or retransmissions in UDP
✅ Flow control in TCP not present in UDP flow control means if reciver is slow the transmitter must act accordingly.
⭐In conclusion UDP may be light weight but it is not reliable.

TCP and UDP are Used in: SMTP -TCP(sending mail) IMAP/POP -TCP(reciveing mail) FTP -TCP SSH(secure shell) -TCP HTTP -TCP Telnet -TCP.

DNS -UDP(becoz it should be faster) Media streaming -UDP

Threeway handshake in TCP(Imp. interview question):


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